Monday 23 November 2015


Whenever I hear of a new baby arriving, it always brings me back to the first moments that I saw Malachi. I can hardly believe its been almost 11 months of knowing him and playing with him and holding him. I can hardly even remember what it feels like without his little presence in our lives. We used to stay up late, sleep in, lounge the day away...and we still do ALOT of lounging...but this little guy is the delight of our lives.

From that first moment I saw him over the sheets...held up by my Doctor telling me "It's a Boy!!" life was changed.

I have never prayed so hard or felt so helpless and had to depend on JESUS to carry me as I have this year. When I look down at his little face or check on him when he's napping, I am amazed that God has carried us through these 11 months. Malachi has been so healthy, happy and wonderful to learn how to be a Mama with. I am so grateful. I pray and cry with thankfulness all through the day that he is my little boy to love. I love him so much.

I always get so excited for Advent. Jesus Birth. The beauty last year was I could imagine how Mary felt as she carried her treasure along the bumpy, uncomfortable road to Bethlehem. Bless her heart. What a miracle that Jesus was born with no complications in the circumstances that He was.

What a year for Mary to watch her baby boy grow from a swaddled little being into a boy that crawls, laughs and delights in life. I wonder how she felt watching him grow and if there was a rumbling in her spirit knowing that harm was coming for him. I wonder if she held him in her arms as He fell asleep each night weeping silent tears asking God if there was another way. Or maybe God spared her from the despair of knowing her baby boy would one day suffer and die for the sins of the world, for HER sins. Wow. Its a lot to comprehend.

I wonder how God knew that MARY was the one who was strong enough to be the Mother of the Saviour of the world. I am so thankful that my boy is safe in God's hands. I know that doesn't mean that harm will not fall on him---sickness may be part of his story, death may come early, harm will inevitably come to him in some way or form in an unpreventable (or even preventable way)

But this is not the hope that I hold to...because of baby Jesus, my boy has HOPE and the promise that the Holy Spirit is here to be our Comforter (John 14:26) and Helper (John 16:7).

I am so thankful for Christmas, and even more so this year to celebrate a whole year of life for Malachi. It reminds me so much of how I want to celebrate Christmas and just like the Grinch says: