Wednesday 2 July 2014

Guess what!!!!

Dan and I are having a baby. 
I'm 16 weeks today!
I know this won't be too surprising for my 3 readers, since you are all close friends...but I wanted to blog a momentous event in my life. It's still very surreal for me.

I am not sick but I do have a few symptoms so far:

  • not liking coffee too much in the mornings, except Starbucks!!! ( I treat myself to a few sometimes, but not going nuts!!!)
  • a little moody *Dan may put a different adjective instead of (little) but he's been a champ at loving me and encouraging me. I am so thankful for this guy. He already rubs my feet without me asking all the time and is so kind and loving to me. But he rarely treats me like a baby, he's tough and gentle at the same time with me!! I feel so blessed that I get a husband like him.
  • lots of bathroom breaks, especially around 3 or 4 at night, and feel a little hungry in the night too...but nothing too serious. I am usually too tired to worry about it till the morning. But I eat breakfast more faithfully now! Trying not to forget my pre-natal vitamin every morning!
  • I feel a bit chubby, but so far fit into most of my clothes. I put a few things away cuz they were a bit tight but I am not wearing maternity stuff yet....I am on the search for some cute things though! I got a sweet little dress at target, but so far my maternity wardrobe is 2 pairs of jeans from value village and 1 shirt. Luckily most of my wardrobe has always been for comfort so alot of my clothes will fit me for awhile I think!! 
  • A little tired, but not too bad. I fell asleep in Star Wars a few times, and we usually go to bed at a decent time anyways, but there have been a few days that I felt totally zonked and slept in and then even had another nap. But for the most part I feel normal. 

Best parts so far:
  • I will never forget Danny's reaction to finding out he was going to be a Daddy. He is very excited and although we know we aren't prepared/ready/have ANY sweet clues about this...he always maintains a very confident and relaxed and happy attitude about becoming parents. For THIS....I am thankful...because I feel WAY nervous, scared, excited, terrified.....etc...
  • Hearing our little lemon's heartbeat on June 17. I haven't "felt" pregnant at all, but this was such an amazing thing to hear. I can't even describe how it feels to know there is a little person inside me who can suck their thumb and even is growing toenails....Today they are the size of a pear!!!
  • The amazing, unbelievably ENCOURAGING support we have received from our family and friends. It was very odd to tell people we were pregnant, but the momentum just kept building. After we had held the secret between us for 3 months, it was exciting to share the news with the people we love. I was just so encouraged by all the friends and acquaintances who sent support through wack ol' FB too. I was a little nervous to post it there, but in the end it was nice to tell people that we otherwise may not have run into personally, but still care about us. 

So my life is changing. I'm resisting some of the changes. I have loved the time that Danny and I have shared, especially in our first year of marriage. In some ways it feels soooo quick to already be pregnant, but I am beyond thankful and overwhelmed with joy that God has blessed us this way. I know that this is a miracle and I pray hard that our baby will be healthy, happy and will arrive safe. I still can hardly believe I found Danny, and this new miracle is just blowing my mind.

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