Tuesday 14 July 2015

I want to be just like You

There was a rad song that was called just that. Take a listen if you please. Don`t be surprised if a few tears fall though.

Lately I have been thinking of the people that I have been inspired by. Some of them are in my family. Some of them are friends that I haven`t seen since my wedding day. Some of them are friends that I haven`t seen for much longer than that. And some are people I`ve never met.

This is one of the things that inspire me.

I have modeled my giving around different examples in my life. When I was a little girl, I clearly remember getting a loonie for my allowance and being STRONGLY advised/forced to give a dime to Jesus on Sunday. Some may think....that is cruel to instill TITHING to a little girl...it should come from the heart...but believe me, now it does. I love giving to Jesus. I don't do it as faithfully as I should but I love doing it. I love finding people and opportunities that God puts on my heart to give to. I love being around my generous friends and seeing the gaps and holes in my own selfishness that I need to grow towards selflessness in. I am the most easily influenced person, so it is with great joy that I have friends/family that model the traits I so want to show. I have people that have sent packages filled with thoughtful things for me out of the blue, I have people who have provided meals for me (especially when Malachi was born, I'll never EVER forget how kind people were to us), I remember when I was raising support for missions trips I got generous donations anonymously and privately from people I love who didn't want glory but just wanted to help out, I remember getting letters in the mail when I was at Bible college filled with ten dollars, twenty dollars and one time FIFTY dollars or more. It feels good when someone buys you a coffee or drops off flowers for no reason. It touches peoples lives to give to missions, missionaries, and support those in need. It changes you to be kind and generous. This is a trait I long for and pray Malachi will find joy in giving to others. I was reading this article today, and it was probably what prompted me to write this in hind sight...but it is so easy to give (for me) and much harder to receive...I love the rush and feeling that you have blessed someone and now I can see those things are important for me to receive....just like the author says:

"I didn’t want him to think I needed anything in return. Then I realized he wanted to experience what I was experiencing. He wanted to see me smile and receive in gratitude. He wanted to give.
By giving, I made him smile, and by receiving I gave him dignity that lifted both of our spirits."

What a perfect way of spreading love, by watching and learning from others and passing on the blessing. It sure has worked for me. 
I'm so grateful that God has drawn me towards beautiful people with all sorts of traits that I admire. I am married to a man who is so different than I am but I am drawn to so many things in him that I want to be like. It is a big responsibility to model and live an example for our little boy. If I model impatience, anger, bitterness and resentment...why wouldn't he model that in his friendships and interactions. I pray that he will see the Lord despite my failings and learn from a young age that the Holy Spirit brings fruit of 
Self Control

And this brings me to my conclusion, 
I want to be like that. Thank you Holy Spirit. 

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