Monday 27 February 2012


I have a couple places to outlet my need for writing. I had 4 journals stacked on my dresser a few weeks ago and my sweet bf looked at them and laughed and said "I guess thats a normal amount of journals for you." I have a purpose for each one.
  • One writes my secrets...verses.....worries and hopes.
  • One records little snippets of my day so I can remember what I have to do each day.
  • One is a precious journal devotional, My Utmost For His Highest, that was given to me as a Christmas present, and that I have been slowly working my way through. I love this book so much.
  • And the last is my sermon journal. I have been listening to Tim Keller and Mark Driscoll recently, and this little book records the interesting things I have learned, but also helps me keep track of the ones I have listened to.
I am a paper gal. I love paper. I am intrigued by kindles and kobo readers and all those electronic toys that could store thousands of books at my fingertips....but I wouldn't trade that for my bookshelf of books. I have collected them for years. I still have children's books from my childhood, thriftstore books found in Bible College, books from Japan and New York, and gifts and on and on....and I would never give those up for a million years. I guess its the same with journals. I do write electronically. I have a few blogs. I sometimes even write myself emails when I have to outlet quickly because typing is just so much faster! But I wouldn't trade writing on paper with a good pen for the world! There is nothing like it! (I say, as I type into my electronic blog....just believe me! hahah)
The act of putting pen to paper encourages pause for thought, this in turn makes us think more deeply about life, which helps us regain our equilibrium.  ~Norbet Platt

1 comment:

  1. You do love your journals, don't you? always a gift idea for you if ever I run out of ideas. love ya, erin. really. i do. - Kristi
