Thursday 19 September 2013

Pumpkin Spice Life

I adore this flavor! I have already got a tasty surprise of a hot pumpkin spice latte and a iced one too!!! This is my ABSOLUTE favorite flavor and it doesn't last forever. Fall is upon us now! Although I hope there are a few sunny warm days left, and actually Danny went surfing the other day with NO WET SUIT! Hahaha, what a guy!

So, there is an excitement that I always have in the first week of September...but there is an all too familiar "feeling" of unrest and anxiousness that comes with never knowing from day to day what I will be doing, IF I will be working and where I will be.I am unbelievably thankful for two days of work this week. But I also struggle what!! Its almost 8 am, and by this time, I know its NOT going to happen!

This is the time that I just savor...I like that quiet that comes before the busy day.

There is always something on my mind. Something hard or heavy or BIG or even something really small that just niggles at me...I have a hard time just "emptying" my mind, as they say. Even when I am doing the DIRECT work of relaxing or feels like THOSE are the moments I make the BEST To Do Lists or remember something in the kitchen that I forgot to do or plan out in my brain the exact steps I could do as soon as I'm finished "relaxing"....whoops...that totally defeats the ENTIRE purpose.

Anyways. As much as I tend to focus on myself, my mind keeps being drawn to dear Loved ones that are going through painful times right now. Its so hard to keep focus on the things that matter. In the end, really...its the people I love that matter to me. I spend the majority of my time with Danny, of course....but we try really hard to balance both of our families, siblings and parents and try to get as many visits in that we can handle!

Mostly what I wanted to express today is that I am struggling learning to be thankful for the moments I am given, daily. I live near my family, I live in a beautiful place, we are blessed to be connected with many people who love Jesus, Danny works for a KIND and GENEROUS man, I love teaching when I get the chance, we have a great comfortable home, and we have eachother. I have a great life. I am thankful for these things and that should be enough. It IS enough, I just have to learn to be content in the situation God places me, daily.

Phillipians 4:11 "Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to get along happily whether I have much or little."

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