Thursday 22 May 2014

May Update

This month went WAY.TOO.FAST. Holy smokes. I don't like life speeding by like this. I seriously feel like I just celebrated my wedding and already I'm here thinking about my FIRST ANNIVERSARY which is in 9 days. I can't believe what a year its been.

There has been some pretty big things happening in the past few weeks. I don't really totally unleash my  heart here on my little blog, but the truth is that I lost someone in our family this month. She was my Aunt, and I never knew her as she once was, but I have visited her as she was for my whole life. She is in Heaven now with my dear Grampie, Uncle Eldie and her own little boy that she never got to hold, Jesse. I can imagine them sitting up there in a row on a park bench as they did here on earth. I was looking through old pictures and noticed how close my Uncle Eldie loved sitting to my Grampie...always so snuggled up, and I can totally picture that happening up there. A lot to process, always.

I think death reminds us all of life. It made me realize what I have. I am so blessed in so many ways, and although life all too often gets me down in the dumps....I have so much.

I am reminded in this Spring...the second Spring of our life here at 46 Hilltop Drive. We closed on this house last April, and its been a full year of owning, renovating, and making it our home. It's not even CLOSE!!!! to being done, but its ours!!!

I am reminded when I realize how lucky I am that I live so close to my family. We have so many family get-to-gethers that sometimes it overwhelms us....we have 2 large families and most weekends are spent with one or the other...or on holidays...BOTH!!! I love having our nieces and nephews over, and although I never feel like I do enough...I am thankful and grateful for the connections I have with my siblings and all of my family.

I am reminded in the new hopes that spring out of the dark, hard year we had in 2013....2014 has been a much brighter and more pleasant all around. We have started to come out of our hole after a long winter of storms, watching FULL TV series (one after another....oops!!!) and snuggling inside. We are starting to attack the weeds in our lawn, and I feel so good about the progress and the 45 bags of compost that got HAULED away, PRAISE THE LORD!!!!

I am reminded in my most treasured and precious human relationship....Daniel Ryan. He is beyond what I ever imagined I would find. He loves me so much. And beyond that....I LOVE HIM so much back. After so many years of being single, the gift of loving and being loved is something that still blows me away. And we don't have it all together nor do we have a perfect relationship, but its absolutely perfect for us. He is there when I need him. He is there when I need a gentle word or a firm reminder...he doesn't baby me at all (although sometimes I kinda wish I could get an OUNCE more of sympathy out of him). He makes me stronger and better and I know that I am blessed to be called his wife.

So today I remind myself of these blessings. This GOOD. Even though today I felt emo and screwed up a bit in my subbing career by double booking ( the span of 12 hours...which I've only done one other time in my 3 year career). When I screw up, I take it to heart. But truly...I know that life is more than that. I can wallow (a bit) but life needs to continue to move forward. I am so glad I have someone moving forward with me and reminding me of the GOOD to when I forget. I need him.

And in this season of Spring, I feel the desires to truly be rooted and firmly established in Jesus. I need HIM more then anything or anyone. And I long to have my heart fully satisfied in HIM. I try to think of theme verses for each month, and I have not yet claimed one for May, but I think I will choose to meditate on just those things I mentioned:

Colossians 2:6-7

New Living Translation (NLT)

And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.

1 comment:

  1. Year of depression - lifted!! Ahhhhh!!! :) Spring always makes me so happy - so much hope and reminder of things growing and changing...I'm so happy you live up the road and we get to see each other as much as we can. I love you.
