Wednesday 6 August 2014

Wonderful August

There is a very short season of hot weather here on PEI. So when that weather comes...all we can think to do is drive straight to the beach! We have gone to some pretty BEAUTIFUL places this summer.
Canoe Cove (10 min drive away)

near "Camp Seggie" beach with the littles!

Canoe Cove, again!! with Turner and Ally

North Rustico during Hurricane Arthur with Hebbs *for about 2 minutes, until we got sand blasted*

Brackley Beach, with my students
The BEAUTIFUL AMAZING BASINHEAD, about 1hr. 30 min. drive!! But we camped beside it so it was basically a 1 minute drive!!!
Camping in Nova Scotia at Laurie Provincial Park

MAN! I am so  blessed to live to close to so much beauty. Summer has been wonderful. I am thankful---although some days my students drive me nuts by falling asleep and constantly sneaking their phones under the desk!!!---for a job. I pray every day to be an effective teacher...I wrote out this verse and its basically what I strive for in life....3 qualities I want---Patience, Gentleness and Kindness----2 Timothy 2:24-24.

I am now 21 weeks preggers!!!
The best things so far:
  • BY FAR....the ultrasound on Aug 1. We got to see all the sweet parts from the head to the hands to the toes...but did not identify a gender!!! We are excited to find that out on December 17th!! I really hope this babe is on time, cuz I want to bring them home for Christmas!!!
  • I kinda feel movement but nothing that I could really for sure say "it's a kick!!" but yesterday I was really wondering! I know its the baby inside moving and that feels wonderful, but it's not really consistent or obvious yet. 
  • We still haven't bought much for this little ones room, but a few little treasures here and there. It's overwhelming thinking of what to get first, but thankfully we still have a few months to budget and prepare. 
  • I'm def noticing my belly's growing larger!!! I still wear lots of comfy clothes and got to go shopping a bit in Halifax for some new matern stuff, but mostly getting it off FB/Value Village! I am thankful for all the clothes that fit me, are long enough and don't hurt my belly at this moment! 
  • Love seeing Danny's reaction watching the ultrasound. He is going to be an amazing Dad. I love hearing him talk about names and he already claimed bedtime routines with the littles! We have been trying to find names, but a lot of my favorites are used by people already but we have a girl and a boy up our sleeves that we like so far!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Yeah sorry about the name thimg friend....can't wait to hear what you choose.
