Tuesday 17 February 2015

A love letter

I am deeply in love with the guy who made me a Mama. 

My heart grows each day that he kisses me good bye when he heads to work. I miss him all day until he comes home and kisses me hello. I love the way he adores our little boy, and the feeling is mutual. No one can calm Malachi quite like his daddy can, high up on his shoulder. My heart grows bigger as I watch Dan swaddle, change, talk, soothe, laugh, and spend time with our little man. How could I love him more...it feels impossible but it keeps happening.

 He shovels us out, he cleans up my dirty dishes, he snuggles with me for movies that he would never pick, he laughs when he finds Swedish berries in our bed, he is tough and tender with me, just as I need him to be. He is my best friend and my favorite person in the whole world. Even after being snowed in for 3 days straight, I miss him when he goes out to shovel and my heart is thrilled when I hear the door knob turn to tell me he`s coming back in to get warm. Even now, I am watching him play his favorite video game, and although that is not my favorite thing, I know its making him happy. And I know that soon he will turn it off and cuddle with me, and I can`t wait! 

I am so thankful for this time in our life. I was worried to lose out on the newlywed feeling...we only had eachother and all the time in the world for just us...but now our life is filled with our little boy. We love to have family snuggle time and we love just looking at Malachi. We are so in love with him and thankfully getting enough sleep to not be cranky and grumpy at eachother---most days ;). Even the gift of snow days are a blessing...to have this special, cozy time with just us 3...when we can`t escape or go in town or do anything but be together! I am beyond grateful. I thank Jesus for this wonderful time in my life. I am loved by two guys who will be by my side forever and I am thankful for the gift that my Father in heaven gave me. 


  1. awwww, so sweet...its such a beautiful thing, really, isn't it? this journey of parenthood, falling in love with your hubby more, and this little person - your love will just grow- it doesn't seem possible how you could love even more...but you will...its so awesome. I love your little fam - wish I could see you more - but that will come - if the weather ever cooperates especially!! ha. have another happy snow day!

  2. That was covered in mush and oh so sweet!! I love reading your feelings. ❤️
