Tuesday 31 March 2015

A passion for something new

I have to say, that I never thought I'd become one of "Those" moms. Honestly, I wasn't sure I'd ever get married, and being a mom was something that I wasn't sure was in my plan. I have had a son for 3 months now. His little life is so intertwined with mine that the time apart we share is mostly when he sleeps...and in those moments I have to fill everything else that I used to do freely and easily. So the moments that he sleeps are precious to me, not just selfishly for my own time but because I know sleep is one of the most important things he can learn to do for his own health. 

 So a new passion of mine is talking about sleep. Its one of the first things I talk about to Danny when he gets home from work or when I send texts to him while he's gone or when I send texts to him while I am gone...

"is he asleep?" "how long has he been asleep" "He slept for 2 hours!!" "He hasn't slept longer than 45 minutes!" 
Honestly, I have opinions on this whole thing, and I know there is so much research out there and there are so many methods that "work". I have tried lots of things in the first 3 months, but deep in my heart I feel like he's still just a little baby and I'm trying not to be too concerned until the 4 month mark that most people say they start Sleep Training. Not to say its ever to early to establish great sleep habits, because I realize its my job to teach him all these new things. Its my joy to teach him how to play with his toys, roll over, hold his head up, and expose him to this big, wide world. So of course, I have to teach him how to "south soothe"...That's what I keep calling it! (side note: Just try saying self soothe fast...if you're like me, you'll slip up and say south soothe! ahem, that was just a really interesting "aside: lol) 

So, from the first few days of being home, we have tried to do the majority of his day time naps either in his bassinet or crib. There have been a few times that I have enjoyed holding him for a nap, but I know its important to me that he can have a good long nap on his own in his own bed. He sleeps really well on my trips to town and usually sleeps the whole time I shop. But just recently has struggled on our 3 hour trip to Fredericton, which ended up taking longer than 5 hours with all our stops! He has also started to stop his naps at exactly 45 minutes, the first sleep cycle, and if we get beyond that he can usually do pretty good.

My main goal these days are trying to teach him to soothe and get great naps in during the day to lead him to a great, long sleep at night.
*Basically my favorite pic ever of him sleeping*
 Am I succeeding? Not really. These days are some of the worst sleep days ever. When he was a newborn, I was thrilled with the amount of sleep I got through the night, and I can't remember really feeling frustrated during the day. Now, I pay attention to each minute he sleeps. And its getting hard to have the energy at night to pop out of bed to feed him when it happens 4 or 5 times instead of 2 or 3. I know that many babies his age are sleeping through the night, and I'm unsure of how to really pursue that because I also want to be there for him if he needs me in the night. I guess I'm a big softy, as is his Daddy. We both do not enjoy his crying. We basically can last 5 or 10 minutes until our hearts break into a million pieces and we rush in to pick him up. My motherly instinct battles between soothing him and letting him cry to learn how to soothe himself. I don't like Cry It Out one bit. I hate thinking he's wondering where I am and why I am not snuggling him. 

So, I'm left with wishing and praying that a miracle will happen and all of a sudden he'll just start napping for three 1.5 naps during the day and sleep 12 hours at night. That would be my ideal schedule. But I'm not willing to let him cry it out yet. So this means I`m dealing with trying to toughen up inside and having anywhere from 4-6 naps until he settles for the night and 2-3 feedings at night. This really depresses me to even write it out. But maybe this will motivate me! 

My poor sister has been a faithful friend to me and has listened to me jabber on and on about Malachi`s naps, rejoiced with me when he sleeps longer than 45 and sent me lots of advice. Hopefully, I can write an update in a month of a little boy who has mastered sleep. If not, I`m always on the hunt for methods that match up with my heart...and if or when those methods fail...I may have to do...cry it out...(tears for all!). 
*This is him right now!* 


  1. Erin, read "The Baby Whisperer." It is the ONLY reasonable "happy medium" between chronic sleep deprivation and crying it out. It will help you with getting through that 45-minute window.

    For what it's worth, I have never made my kids cry it out, and they all settled into a good routine over time, and they are all great sleepers now. Even better, they have no fear of going to sleep and they don't hate bedtime. There are so many sleep issues in North America among adults that I believe have a lot to do with babies being forced to follow an adult's schedule before their little bodies are ready. Babies are designed to wake often for nutrition and comfort! Yes, it is so exhausting to get through that first year of frequent waking, but really, it is perfectly fine and absolutely normal for your little guy to wake often. That is why mothers through the ages and all over the world co-sleep! Have you considered co-sleeping at night? Keep in mind that if your little guy is waking more often, he is likely going through a growth spurt and needs more nutrition. Remember too that the continual comfort he receives from you through this time enables him to trust you that you are there for him, not just for now but for the long haul.

    Think "routine," not schedule. They really, really, really do settle into it when they are ready for it!! But for getting the naps to last longer, and for better sleep during the night, please read "The Baby Whisperer." It really, really, really does work to enable them to be comforted, to know that you are there, but also to begin sleeping longer on their own when they are ready.

    1. Thats the book i literally have decided to follow just today!! Im so glad u affirmed me in this:) i loved this advice!!

    2. Oh, I'm so glad! I'm going to send you an email. :)

  2. awww, that little darlin'. I love him so much...I miss him when I haven't seen him for a couple days...hopefully tomorrow!! :) I know you are trying -- don't read TOO much though - you'll get more confused, and feel like a failure -- and you're not!!! you're trying to teach him, and you're both learning...he WILL figure it out -- and little tips and helps are great...but you have to follow your instincts, too...you'll never get this time back...don't spend it stressing about his sleep patterns...and delete that app if the specifics are getting too much!! :) but keep talking about it as much as you want...I remember what that was like -- I was very OCD about sleep and feeding times, etc...I wasn't good at the crying it out method either -- when we did finally do it with Jonah, he didn't cry very long -- I think he was just ready...and Levi...well -- you know, Levi always has just done things his way...we were lucky he decided early on to sleep through the night, I'm sure he wouldn't have obliged us if we had forced him!!! haha. you're doing a great job. he's just the sweetest little darling....and you're such a great Mama...I love watching you guys...so happy for your sweet fam, and that we get to be such a part of each others lives. love you so much.

  3. Oh Er- I get it. You are always welxome to talk my ear off too. 2-3 times at that age seems fine to me. Sophie is usually up two and sometimes even three times and she's one!!
