Friday 4 January 2013

January Excitement

So far I have been so blessed with the first 4 days of a brand new year! I had a great family day on New Year's Day with a tasty Bredin Brunch and then a Stretch/MacDonald Family Potluck (on Dan's side of the family)! Danny and I were so worn out that we both had a much needed early alone night at our separate houses!! I missed him but it felt amazing just to be alone and chillin like a villain in my own comfy bed!

We tried to visit big sis on Weds, but there was blowy snowy roads so instead I had the exhilarating opportunity to help a dear friend return some bottles to the exchange! I really think I would adore an organizing business as it thrills me to my boots to get things into order! I actually am dreaming and planning in my head of one day just having EVERY single thing I own in one place....instead of scattered in every crevice of my own little apartment, my old bedroom and under my parents stairs! Oh man! I can't wait to just spread it out and get that into order when I move into my NEW place with Danny next June!!!

And I already had one and a half days of work! I am so excited! I need this so badly!

Anyways. I am encouraged by one of my favorite little aps on my ipod that sends me a C.S. Lewis quote a day and the last few have really blessed my heart! I am challenging myself to read more CS and Oswald Chambers this year and so far its been great!

I look forward to seeing what this year is going to bring and keep challenging myself to stay positive and to think, hope and believe the best in people and myself!

1 comment:

  1. I love your thoughts. and thanks again sooo so much for organizing my basement. you're awesome. seriously. i am quite certain my life would be so so so different if you were not in're a very vital part of my life...and my boys' lives. we love you.
