Tuesday 13 August 2013

Coming Home

Every day I wake up and love that sunshine. I love getting my best friend's lunch all packed and do our morning routine...complete with Danny grabbing his morning bubblegum from our machine before my kiss! hahaha (I should do the same for him, eh?) Anyways. I have been given alot of grace and kindness from him the past few weeks. There has been a few heavy things on my heart and I'm the kind of person that lets things affect me...I take things into our marriage that don't belong there...and he is so smart to figure that out WAY before I do. I am so thankful for grace and mercy that is new every morning. I like mornings, but I always hate saying goodbye to Dan.

I love coming home though! It`s my favorite time of the day. I am always excited to just hang out with my best friend. One of my goals is to have supper ready for him when he walks in (HUNGRY) and I feel so satisfied when I can! (if I have to make even one stop I usually can`t!)

This has been a summer of rest for me. We haven't had too many activities except enjoying our time together: We've had lots of beach nights, relaxing movie/TV series nights, supper on the deck, grabbing a treat from the drive thru, making our first blueberry pies in our new house (and finishing after 11 pm because of all the steps), using our BBQ as much as possible, and doing (a little) home renos. We haven't done a lot but I am so thankful for the way we work together.

 Our home is not a stressful place (unless I'm being cranky). Its happy, full of light and as clean as I can make it (although there feels to be incessant crumbs on my floor!!!). I have been encouraged lately to make my home a peaceful place and even though I haven`t done this every day, I know its a place I LOVE coming home to,

I look forward to driving in my driveway every day. It still feels like a dream that I get to see Danny all the time and be his wife forever!
My fave way to relax...with a coffee, a fan and a computer! 
At my little bro`s wedding!

Our fave little beach, with our new to us chairs and my deluxe pool mattress!

A picnic (and tunes from iphone) on the water!


  1. ohhhh, I am so so happy you are a wife, and love your happy, peaceful home and your husband...those are the best things! I'm so happy for you. can't wait to hang out soon!!

  2. Where are the house pics you told me were here????

  3. Aw, this makes me all nostalgic for our own first married summer. So sweet. So glad you are savoring this wonderful time together!!
