Tuesday 11 March 2014

Why I Read

Lately, Dan and I have been reading together!
We were given a great devotional for our wedding from one of my Prairie friends (Ape King, as I like to call her, even though she's now married!) and also the book that this devo was written on, (from my other Prairie pal, Dee Daniels).
We just happened to be reading the one on Lent as this season is now here and I've been reading and thinking through the things in my life that take my and OUR time together. We both decided to choose 3 social media/games that we'd give up for a week (baby steps). It was really interesting and resulted in us both reading together more often then we ever did before! I loved it! I even snapped this adorable shot of Dan
So in the spirit of celebrating one of my favorite things in the world, I will give you a few books that are blessing me lately!
1. For Fun:
I am sad to report that I finished the whole series of HP this week. I started reading this series again before Christmas and even received book 7 from Dan (as it was the only one I didn't own) on Christmas Morning. I stand by the notion....books are better than movies...always!!!

2. For Devo/Alone Time/Journalling
I've already written a post on why this book blesses me (given by a Prairie Gal, Jamie!!!) and I'm definitely going to keep this as one that I perpetually read. It is a constant reminder of the ways I can love and serve my husband through prayer.

3. For Encouragement
I woke up earlier then Dan on Saturday morning and just LOVE making a coffee and snuggling down with a book in the quiet of a weekend morning! Knowing Dan is there next to me and I don't have to rush off to do anything....its one of my favorite things to do. I had just finished HP, so I looked around all my books trying to find another great read and was BLOWN away by this! I read 4 or 5 letters right in a row and highlighted TONS of great thoughts! I really do recommend this book! Its very pertinent to me right now. I am a HUGE CS fan. 
Fun Fact: My Christian heroes are Soren, CS Lewis and Tim Keller.
****A great study guide I will hold on to, in hopes of finding someone to do this with!!****

4. Bible
Our church has been studying Romans since September. So I try to pre-read the reading before church on Sunday or re-read it before small group to keep it fresh in my mind. Its been great to really go through the book together and to get a perspective of the WHOLE instead of picking and choosing a few favorite chapters or verses. Context always makes a huge difference and I will tell you that our small group has gone through some crazy rabbit trails spurred on by some of the verses in especially chapters 13 and 14. 

I started reading Hosea again as the new year started. I haven't finished it yet (5). 

And I decided for some of the mornings that I don't have time to really get through journalling/reading/praying/listening to a sermon/etc....or whatever falls on my heart that day, I would try to read a Psalm, haven't got too far yet (6).

5. Blogs
I have recently just expanded lots of my daily reads and don't really want to link up as there are lots that are good for different reasons. I'm more of a lurker. I used to really hate when people I didn't know read my blog, but fortunately I do not have that problem any more.....actually the complete opposite! But I did realize through my week off blogs that there is a potential for lots of time wasted perusing through the huge list I have now, and realized that I could do to delete a few that weren't really necessary or helpful. My favorite blogs are my friends. I love reading people I know's hearts. Even more then strangers. So thank you for blogging!!

So why do I read?
Well, first of all, because there just simply is SO MUCH TO read. The world is at my fingertips. I am literally a click away from reading about any and every topic I could ever want to know about using google. Second, my mind needs to be challenged, inspired and pushed on and reading does this for me. I collect books, and sitting on my shelves are resources for almost anything that could ever come up. I still want more. Books are my treasures.  Third, I know its a good hobby, a good use of my time and a good challenge for my brain. I love TV and Movies too, but I need the quiet of books to settle me. I don't really consider myself a book worm, although I admire that trait. My brother Mike and my Mom are addicted to reading, and I admire that in them so much. They know alot because they read alot. So I don't by any means put myself at their Olympic level of reading, but I do count reading as one of my joys in life. 

What do you read? What are you reading? What do you WANT to read?

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