Thursday 9 October 2014

30 Weeks Strong!!!

Wow! I can't believe this wee little babe is already 30 weeks old!!! In some ways I'm still getting used to the idea that our world's going to be rocked in less then 10 weeks and in other ways I still can't believe we have to wait so much longer....Christmas is going to be so so so unforgettable this

Best things so far:

  • We have been faithfully attending our pre-natal classes for 4 weeks so far. And I am so thankful to have someone walking through this information with us. We have been pretty overwhelmed with the labour videos, and I get VERY weak in the knees at anything "medical-ish" (could NEVER watch Rescue 911) so some of the vids have left me feeling a little unsure and alot SCARED. But thankfully, every time there is "THAT SHOT" of the mama and daddy holding this precious little one and I can't help but cry. Its the baby that makes it ALL worth it, right!!!!
  • We were given a few sleepers from our sis who just had a baby so was weeding through her clothes and it was a relief to know that our baby will have lots of duck and pooh sleepers if they do happen to come early! They are very cute and I can't imagine what our baby will look like in them, but at the same time I'm looking forward to having gender specific sleepers as soon as we know what our baby will be!! I can't wait to hold them and finally know!
  • I went to a Mom to Mom sale. I felt very grown up, and VERY overwhelmed! You should have seen the strollers and baby wearing that was going on in there. I didn't really buy much. I am thankful for the peace of buying used items through FB and Kijiji where I can look at my leisure, but I guess I don't necessarily always get what I want that way! 
  • We are both thinking so much more about raising our baby and talking through lots as a result of our classes and baby books and observations from our own interactions with children (past and present). Its exciting and unnerving knowing we are so different but I read a beautiful quote from a book the other day that brought tears to my eyes: 
"To excel in parenting, protect your marriage." 
(Babywise, pg.27. Ezzo and Bucknam)

Of course we both don't know what it will be like when we have a tiny human to care for every moment of every day, but I truly long to make Dan a priority. I absolutely LOVE being a wife. I think it is the best thing I have ever been and as much as I want to be a great Mom, I feel like my number one job after Loving God is to Love Dan and show my children that he is the most important relationship. I have alot to learn. So maybe in a few years I can build more upon this when I have actual experience.
  • We are still thankful for a healthy heartbeat and our appointments are now going to be every 2 weeks. I'm starting to feel more strain under my belly as it's growing lots now! My Dr. recommended to keep walking, having warm baths and trying stretching/pre-natal yoga. All of which I find helps. Dan's advice is to wear comfy shoes...this is not really easy for me as I don't really "dig" the style of sneakers, but I have to admit it is WAY comfier when I do. 
  • I am getting closer and closer to having more things to set up in our nursery, but as of now...its pretty empty! 

1 comment:

  1. You are such a cute little time I see you i'll need to take a picture of that little baby belly, you don't post enough -- I'm privileged enough to get a glimpse in real life -- but I'm sure many of your friends from away would like to see how cute you are!! you are doing and thinking of so much in preparation for this little life growing inside you -- you'll be a great Mom, Erin -- it will come to you, all you need to know, as it happens...nothing will prepare you for how much you will love this baby -- that is where the real joy of mothering comes in -- not in preparing and getting ready -- but actually having that babe in your arms...your love for Dan will only grow, I'm sure...I fall more and more in love with Jay and with these sweet boys of keep making God and then Dan a priority, and you will be just fine...don't buy into the negativity that all is downhill once that babe has only gotten sweeter for us -- not easy, mind you...but the journey of parenting with your best amazing. I'm so excited to meet your baby and to love and cuddle him or her...I can't wait!!!!!!!! another Christmas baby!!
