Sunday 16 November 2014

Christmas is in the Air!!!

It snowed on Friday night and just sent a jolt of cheer through the air, as well as a reminder of what driving in snow and icey slush will be like for the next 5+ months! But this is neither here nor there! Pretty excited for this most special Christmas ever as I wait to see WHEN this little baby will be arriving.

Today I am 35 weeks larger than life....
Best Parts:

  • This little cutie kicks all the time and reminds me that they are there inside me, hanging out with us when we watch movies, eating supper and falling asleep at night. My family (well, the ones who aren't too shy so basically Kristi and Jay, have also felt this little one kicking!)
  • The baby's room is coming along so's a sneak preview, but there is a few more things to do before I can do a full on REVEAL!!! 

  • Like I said in last post, was BLESSED like crazy with tons of polka dots and loved putting the blankets around the room as well as my sweet little polka dotted sheets! Lots of sentimental things around the more about that soon!
  • Bought our baby their Christmas pjs and Christmas book and on the look out for a cute little stocking for them! 
  • Not much else to report. My belly's is pretty big....still have lots of clothes to wear but no warm winter jacket...but bundling up in Dan's coats when I need it. My pelvic area hurts more now that the belly's growing heavier but honestly, I can't really complain (except to Dan to get free massages). I have been VERY blessed with my pregnancy.
  • Reading this book and will try to peek through the B-feeding book but not sure how much I will really "get" till I'm in it. 
My take aways are to try to find a place in my head to be in control of my thoughts/fear. Try to relax and let my body do the job it was intended to do. Try to find joy and pleasure in the experience instead of my natural feeling of FEAR ANXIETY and NERVOUSness. I'm even trying not to tell people that this is how I really do feel because just having it there in my head and thoughts causes the fear to have more power than it should have. Anyways. I'm a newbie so I have NO clue what will really happen or if these "principles" will really even be able to happen but anything to help, right!!! These were recommended by my doula friend (aka Kristi's BFF Angie Stanley) and also by a random girl at one of my prenatal appointments!
  • I can't wait to see how THIS will turn out too: Here's a sneak peek at the bassinet when I was a baby with my Mom and all my baby quilts:

            and here it is in progress!
  • Looking forward to decorating, Christmas time with friends, baking, Family-get-togethers and Christmas movies!!!

1 comment:

  1. oh my word, I am just increasingly excited to meet your baby - to find out WHO this little person IS -- if the baby is a boy or a girl!!!! isn't it crazy, but awesome to be waiting for this surprise??? we don't even know the gender of this little one -- I can't wait to see what he/she looks like - what the name will be -- oh man...I can imagine walking into that room in the hospital (if I'm not in there already!!) and laying eyes on that baby for the first time...and YOU, my little a momma...I am almost crying now, just thinking about it. oh my soul, I'm so happy for you, so excited to meet this baby and to love and spoil him/her...and to babysit, and watch my little family and your little family through the years, and all the memories, and beach and camping trips...I'm just so happy for you. and so happy I live one minute down the road so we can keep really being such an important part of each other's lives. I'm so excited!!!! its coming so soon!!!! your nursery is sweet, Erin -- you've got more than enough for this little one already -- and if its a boy, you know you will have tonnes of hand-me-downs over the years...and if its a girl...I will have so much fun buying for her as I don't have one of my own to clothe in sweet little girly things. either way, he or she will be just perfect and a perfect addition to you and changes your world...but I think for the better. I wouldn't want to imagine my life without my two little boys in it...they are such a blessing. and a pain in the neck, too, but...mostly a blessing!!!
