Tuesday 2 December 2014

Baby's Room!! (38 Weeks)

Today I am 38 Weeks!!!! And I keep checking things off my list...these pics aren't professional by any means but I wanted to record them so I can remember all the little details...and it really is one of my favorite places now! I am very happy with it!!
I can't believe that these quilts are over 30 years old! Yowza. I was so blessed by a sweet lady one day I was subbing and she out of the blue said...do you need a baby swing?? And I did! So now I have one. And I kinda wanted a bright red or orange  barn light but was very happy and pleased with the one we got, and VERY excited when Cuz Scott installed the electrical stuff for us!

This summer I was gifted the most beautiful quilt, and immediately knew it would be perfect for our little one's room! I love how it has all the colors that I wanted to use, and just special that one of my childhood friends has given me such a special gift to use for my baby. I've been collecting kids books for years and this bookshelf was a VERY important part of the room! Oh, and when I opened up this cloud garland at my baby shower...I was PUMPED...it was exactly something I wanted but didn't know where or how to get it! I was SO happy that I got one of Hannah's crafts for my baby!!! 

So, Julie knows that one of my dreams is to go on a hot air balloon and gave me this sweet little nite light!!! I also should add that Jules and Gregg financed our sweet little curtains too!!! Thanks so much guys! And Dan's sister Kara blew my socks off with TONS of grey polka dotted hand made things (swaddle cloth, burp cloth, drool handkerchief, stuffie...like...WHOAH!!!!) And I was so proud of myself for scoring this rad rocker from Bev before she moved and priced getting the cushions covered at a fabric store ($100 bones...no way) and found this body pillow cushion for $6...so yeah...great deal!! How special is this beautiful painting by Kit...matches perfectly!!!

I can`t wait to add more baskets and organize this closet...but at this point I don`t have enough things to fill the baskets I ALREADY have...so that will come! I couldn`t resist Christmas PJs...but I just can`t even imagine which ones will be used!!! A few months ago, Dan`s sister was sorting out her baby clothes and gave me TONS of little yellow and green sleepers..which I was so happy to have but I snuck a few red ones in too...cuz you know...boys OR girls can rock a cute little red sleeper! Thank you so much KRISTI for this beautiful Hot Air Balloon picture! It`s completely PERFECT in every way!

More hot air balloon art over change table...and a crazy polka dotted bag...not really a diaper bag, but may need a few weeks to figure out what kind of bag I will need/want/use once I actually know what baby's need/want/use!!! And was so so so happy to receive so many cute polka dots at my shower....blankets, sheets, clothes...you name it! I am so thankful for my sweet man painting and updating my bassinet that was made by the sweetest, kindest Grampie who was a carpenter. He made that bassinet for ME when I was a baby, and now my baby's Poppa Stretch and Daddy will also have part in the bassinet legacy too! So sweet. 

So...like I said...38 weeks:
Best Parts:
  • Last week I worked 4 days, which basically for the last year was a RARE thing for me...I was happy to have work but pretty achy and sore by the end of the week (lucky for me there was a surprise snow day last Thursday!!!) So this week, I kinda told myself I wouldn`t book in advance...I ended up working today (Tues) but that just might be my only day, and I don`t mind at all! I have a pretty bad cold/cough/runny nose and want to get my energy and health to a good place...just in case!!!
  • I told my mom tonight besides my cold that I was feeling pretty great. I feel like I can climb stairs no prob and in general (besides the achy pubic bone/pelvic area and lower back pain) I truly do feel fine! But mom told me that alot of women feel a surge of energy near the end..and in Mom's words "It's how the Lord prepares you for labour..." so...um...that kinda makes me feel like whoah this stuff is getting REAL!!!
  • I am so happy that for the most part my baby's room is all done... the bassinet is very close to being done. We got our car seat safety inspected and have put our cozy carseat blanket in...but are waiting a few more days to put it in the car. 
  • We got a few other things crossed off our list on Black Friday...and I just re read the "What to Pack for the Hospital" handout and feel like I have most of what I need! So just need to get that all settled and tucked away! 
  • Got all my Christmas decorations up (except tree)...I can't tell you how much that means to me! I am so thankful for dear Danny who did all the climbing and grins and bears my silly sentimental decorations!!! I broke one little porcelain caroler this year...which almost brought me to tears...but even Dan said I handled it good. And this afternoon I wrapped up a few gifts. I've literally NEVER been this close to being DONE shopping this Early...cray cray! But also very relieving!
  • What else...I'm going in tomorrow to see my Doctor for my first weekly visit...not sure what they are going to "do" to me to "get things started"....so honestly not looking forward to THAT....don't make me say it on my blog but it involves a different kind of "sweeping"
  • I am just very excited and nervous and can hardly believe that this jumping bean inside of me will soon be here and I will get to hug and kiss this baby's face for real THIS MONTH. And if its on sched....in 2 small short weeks! YEEHAAA!!!!

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