Friday 13 January 2012

How did it change my life?????

I guess I wish I could say there was a really deep outcome after reading Soren's book (Works of Love) that made me a lovelier, loving-lier and all around more loving person....
....probably can't say that....
but I can say
I will never forget sitting every afternoon listening to the story of Soren and Regine
Then...reading a chapter every week for homework and highlighting and just enthralled that there was a writer out there that could write a sentence that literally "uplifted me".
And on top of that....I was going through a break up that year. I was trying to get over someone and I could relate to Soren so much as he was trying to get over Regine but also love her at the same time.

I honestly know I was meant to read that book at that time. I recommended that book to another friend years later who was going through a devastating break up who agreed it was a good book to read through that.

But it is a dense, thick and hard to read all in one sitting book, in my humble opinion. I don't want to thrust a book on you and then have anyone feel that it isn't read-able. It IS read-able, but I had the great advantage of reading it and discussing it slowly with a class, and also sitting under a professor who was trained and studied on the life of Soren that added to my love and understanding of this great book.

All that to say. I am going to try to read a portion of it each week and report back a memorable quote or thought and maybe pique your interest...for this lovely book.

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