Wednesday 13 February 2013


You ever just feel like your timing is off?  
As a sub teacher, I have realized that Timing is EVERYTHING! I have to be in the right place at the right time, or I just simply won't get work. There haven't been too many instances that this has really badly hurt me...but one time I was taking a shower, I came back to a missed call (aka...missed work) or sometimes I am booked for a half day and miss out on a full day of work (which happened this morning)...I can't just focus on the negative because there have been MANY opportunities I have had because of timing---I just "happened" to walk into a classroom that the teacher was frantically looking for a sub....or I just happened to be sitting in the staff room at lunch and the principal walks in and has an encouraging chat with me!

Those are all good! They are all part of life.

I just have had such a miserable last few weeks...and Dan keeps reminding me not to DWELL on the negative...he wants me to try to quickly move on when something disappointing happens and this is definitely NOT a skill I possess (yet). I still don't really know how to balance my personality with Dan's sometimes, but I can clearly see that God has brought us together for a reason because once we figure it out (which we usually do in the end) we do fit together like two perfect puzzle pieces!!! Sometimes we have to try a lot of different angles and take a lot of time and discussion to get there but we do balance each other and need each other for perspective.

I just feel so frustrated sometimes when I don't see the WHOLE picture...

I was listening to my fave speaker (Tim Keller---link to free sermons here) and he was reminding me that circumstances can often cause individuals to feel like WE are at the center.....
for example.... I got this work because I just so happened to leave my house at 11:05 and walk into the staff room at 12:01 because I forgot my lunch and had to go back into the house....etc....etc....
This is true. But at the same time....
I am not the center of the universe, there are a million other circumstances at hand and I am never the center of the universe....God is. GOD IS! GOD!!!!!

So although this morning I have been a little discouraged and when I feel down---it affects me...mind, body and soul....I literally just dwell on it but I do want to somehow "come around" by the end of this blog....I want to figure out how to look on the bright side of to see the good in every to be thankful for the "1000 gifts" I have in my every day life...

I just wish I could figure out the formula to have everything work out perfectly (in my eyes)...but I am realizing more and more when I look from outside my selfish center of the universe eyes.... I really do find good.....
I just wish my faith would be bigger in these moments, but I am thankful for a Shepherd who leads, who holds and who is beside me....He is silent sometimes, but He is always there.

Oswald is one of my "go to" guys (along with CS Lewis and Soren K): 

“Faith never knows where it is being led, but it loves and knows the One who is leading.” 

1 comment:

  1. Love ya Erin! Praying for you and for Dan too. Coffee soon?
