Friday 3 May 2013

House Tour!!!!!

Well we looked at so many (well in reality it was probably only a handful) of homes trying to figure out what we wanted and what would work with our budget. There was a little house out in the country that had a really private backyard surrounded with trees...but it was over a 100 years old and we had a few red flags with some different details...but I was really set on the location. But we looked on...

We found a few in the Cornwall area...but there was some that were too high, yucky basement, unfinished basement, bad location on the highway, so we looked on...
We found 46 Hilltop Drive on an email from another realtor and looked at it the same week and we were pretty excited because it suited alot of our needs! Someone told me this week that women are usually won over if there is a nice kitchen...and I'm not saying this kitchen is amazing but I did like the cupboards and it seemed to suit me just fine! The other thing we were looking for is a way to convert the basement into an apartment and since there was already a bathroom down there and a private entrance (and a BONUS: private little deck) we knew that it would take a little work but we could fix it up just fine!!!

Laundry Room! (can't wait to brighten it up and paint the floor over and add some color)
We may convert part of this room for our basement apartment, but I'd also love to have floor to ceiling shelves to organize storage!

This shot is a little blurry, but there's a little stove and a good sized room! We may make it into a bachelor but we will also try to have a little kitchenette/fridge/sink! There's a little mini bar already set up so we can use the counter and chairs for this!
Weird Curtain thingy, but hopefully will be our office/video game central! HAHA

Little Bedroom beside our room. Jonah calls it the Cousin's bedrooms! He would love to have some bunkbeds for sleepovers! haha

Full back view, with someone creepin in the bushes! (me!!)

Sweet bike I added to our agreement! Wood Garage floor? Weird, no?!
Sweet little workshop area for Danny to build me some furniture!!! or surf boards!

Our little kitchen! (some wall paper to tear down, hoping to paint a little darker but brighter green!!)

I do love the cupboards! In great shape and Danny and I have cleaned them with some Magic Erasers and I have all our food set up and whatever we own is tucked safely away..dishwasher has a few spokes missing but we had our first successful run and dishes came out sparkly and clean! Love the floor too!
A little rickety, but sweet little private place for our renters!

A little pink carpet in our Living Room! There's also a bay window that Danny has freed from behind the lace curtains so now we get tons of natural light coming in through the front! I was thinking to have a shade of blue gray for living room and then using the furniture/pillow/curtains to add shades of color...not sure what yet! We are debating on the floor! Any suggestions? We may spring for expensive flooring but may do a different shade darker! Would that look weird?
Can't wait to sit on my window seat! But we have a little work to do to extend it...or it just may end up holding some flowers or something who knows!

Master Bedroom! We already took down border and Dan ripped up the carpet! We are thinking to have a really pale green (sage or some other lighter shade) and then have a nice bright quilt or duvet to brighten the room and add some color! We will probably get cheap click flooring thats on sale right now and I would like it as dark as possible! Love dark floors!

Main Floor bathroom! Small and cozy! I already scrubbed some rust spots out of the tub but will have another go at it! We may convert it in the future by taking out a closet and extending it but its not top priority for us at this point! I am thinking to paint it a pale color of aqua or pale blue and have the shower curtain brighten it up with color! (Dan says I can have polka dots! I can't help but love polka dots and want to add them wherever I can! lol)

Well thats it for now! I am really looking forward to before and after pics! I love looking at other peoples renos and feel so inspired to work hard and try not to complain or be grumpy about all the work that there is to do! I have never done this so its a HUGE  thing for me to take on and I do get overwhelmed but I am looking forward to doing this with Dan and having lots of projects to work on to make our little house a home filled with peace and love! Will update with more pics as they come!!!


  1. It is fabulous E!!! Can't wait to see it in a month!! You will make it so cute and homey, I just know it! Can we come visit sometime in the next year???:)I'm seriously so happy for you!

  2. "Our room" is my fave part

  3. OH MY GOODNESS!! Erin it is the cutest! It is just perfect! I cant wait to come over! I love painting so if you need help let me know! love ya girl!

  4. So so so happy for you -- you're going to do just great picking out all the colors, and making it YOURS!! So awesome - and just a quick little walk from us! (that's my favorite part!!) -- I know you are going to just love being a wife and making that home so cozy and sweet -- can't wait to have some parties and games nights there! I'm so happy for you, ya so much.
