Tuesday 26 November 2013

Christmas Decorations!!!

Disclaimer: I know I don`t have the coolest, craftiest, pinterest-esque Christmas decorations! But I can honestly tell you that most of the decorations I have are very nostalgic for me! Even the dated ones that I got passed on from my childhood Christmas memories from my Mom, or the ones that I got from KT in Japan when Josh and I celebrated with her, or the ones that I got this year from one of my dear older friends Mrs. Bell! I have decorations that were made by my sister in 1995, and decorations that were Christmas gifts from high school,weddings, college... Christmas books I`ve been collecting for years and special little trinkets that precious friends have given to me over the years. So poor Danny has alot of CHRISTMAS in his face this year! He told me if he lived in the house alone he wouldn`t even put up decorations....say what!!!! I can`t believe it!!! Anyways....here`s a little tour, mostly for my sweet friend Kristin who loves to be part of my life even though she`s miles away! She`ll be here in real life soon to see it all!!!
Here`s the quick view!!! (hahah)(Thanks to finally figuring out Picassa Collage Maker)

Here`s the long view.....
Welcome to 46 Hilltop Drive
My little green kitchen...All of these things are so nostalgic. Those hanging stockings were given to me and Josh for our Christmas in Japan, filled by KT!!! And the wooden ornaments hung in my childhood trees, and both of my apartments as a single girl! And this year I even have mistletoe given to me by Mrs. Bell!!!
My Living Room
This year my mom gave me her little village that fits perfectly on our Bay Window sill....oh man so many years of setting this up and acting out the villagers lives! I love our stockings and just feel so blessed in our cozy, colorful living room where we spend most of our time! Can`t wait to get our tree!
Downstairs Den and Laundry Room
This is more of the random and crazy decorations that I just want to use even though they aren`t that cool or cute! I love all the little random collections I have sitting every which place I can find! haha Dan hasn`t seen this yet, so he`s in for a real treat when he gets home from work!
Our Bedrooms
 This is where I put all my love themed decorations! I just love our bedroom! Dan bought that little heart hanging from the window for my stocking last year and Kristi made us the BEST wedding gift ever of a tupperware full of decorations and I found those two hanging little hearts on my dresser! I love all the little decorations I have and that little Santa I found in Japan and I just love him!!
Dan and I cut down some greens on the weekend and hung them up to dry and I just quickly put them together into a ``RUSTIC`` looking wreath! It will do!! haha
My little home cozy at night
I`m so thankful for my darlin husband for hanging those lights for me! He did it on the coldest afternoon and I just love seeing them twinkle when we come home at night!

Looking forward to seeing some of YOUR decorations soon!!!


  1. Love it all! You are so crafty to have made that wreath!! Can't wait to come over!

  2. Love it all! You are so crafty to have made that wreath!! Can't wait to come over!

  3. Wow, so many great decorations! I think we have like five! :) You're doing great!
