Thursday 28 November 2013

November Highlights

I truly did enjoy November this year. Was it a bit hard? Oh yeah. Were there things that made my stomach scrunch up and my head have a stress headaches...oh yes! But I did have so many wonderful things that happened!

 I enjoyed each and every day I got to sub. I truly feel like I have happiness adrenaline when I get work! I love to work and play with the kids at recess! I love teaching and walking around the schools with my little ducklings behind me! I applied for jobs that would thrill me to pieces even if I just got an interview and imagining the jobs is enough to get me hyper! I also had hard days of figuring out if I truly should keep subbing. The market is seriously INSANE here on PEI! There are tons of subs, experienced with Masters degrees and years teaching out West and tons of upgraded courses and specialties that are in the same boat as me. So I try to keep perspective...when I get work I am happy.

I am enjoying our little house! We have (ALMOST) finished our upstairs bathroom! The whole house is all cozy and decorated! We had lots of visitors come by this month and I hosted my first baby shower! It was JAMMED in here! It was a mix of old friends from my church that split a few months that was strange but good. We have been trying to really get comfortable in our new church experience, but sometimes I just feel sad that for the past 6 years (since returning from Japan) I've enjoyed going to church with so many faces that I love, including both sides of our family, and now we don't go to church with any of them. The up-side, the service starts at 9 am and we are done by 10:15 to enjoy a relaxing Sunday together! I love Sundays!

So now its almost my fave month. I'm hoping to blog through the 1000 gifts like I tried to do last year!! But still waiting for the new updated calendar, if not I'll just reuse last years! Hope to see lots of Christmas decorations from anyone else who happens to read this! LOL!
Pretty excited to play in some snow with my husband this year!!! 
(this is from our engagement shoot: Photo Credit: Justin Hebb)

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