Tuesday 9 September 2014

A beautiful morning to blog

This is the first official week of school. I have my badge, log in, and WILL to work, just haven't received THE CALL!!! I can't wait for my first day back, and looking forward to seeing all my friends from last year and meeting all the littles that are joining the troops this year!

But...today is not my day to work. I do have an important Dr. appointment and not looking forward to the GLUCOSE Diabetes drink/test today! But really excited to see and hear how the little baby is doing! I know that there's a TON of movement so that is wonderful to feel.

This was sitting on my table after my darlin' husband made lunch for me on Sunday!!

So we are now heading towards FALL! Its truly in the air, and although that is true, it didn't stop Danny and I from heading to the beach for the past 4 nights! We were safely protected with our amazing new blow up boat, which we flip over so we both fit. I think some of my favorite moments at the beach were this weekend. Just the two of us, floating and talking and enjoying the view. 

Thinking a lot about the next season in our lives...not Fall or Winter, but the one that we will be in FOREVER. To be parents. To be responsible. To be able to love and care for another little human. Its overwhelming and exciting and in some ways so hard to even comprehend what is coming for us. Yesterday Dan read a sweet little article to me that popped up called 28 Rules for Fathers of Sons and just hearing him read it made me so excited. I truly believe Dan was meant to be a Dad. I am so thankful that we are doing this together because he has so many qualities that I don't have. I think our kids will be so blessed and will adore him (as so many kids do---my nephews a PRIME example), I am so glad it is with HIM that I get to learn and grow as a parent with. 

Its amazing seeing how God changes us and leads us and is so involved in our lives. I am so blessed and am aware of the blessings I've been given. 

1 comment:

  1. *huge smile*

    You guys are going to love this next season!! I can't wait!!
