Monday 1 September 2014


Ooooh! Everyone is so excited to write in a fresh month! I love all the happy first day posts today! I am even more excited to have the whole day with Dan even though we are both busy doing other things, I love having him home! I have had a leisurely morning, one that I have wanted for a long time! I got to read my new book that arrived in the mail this week:Jesus the King
Dan and I have a few new challenges for the Fall. We are going to be small group leaders together! Our church is going to study Mark and learn more about making the Gospel real and evident--- in our lives, in our friendships and relationships with all people. I was a bit nervous to make the commitment, knowing that December will bring us our little one, but there is another couple that is going to take over/help out during the last few months! I am so excited to see Dan in this role, like most things, he's not nervous or anxious at all, as compared to me! I don't always like the commitment of attending every week nor have I ever lead a small group before. I'm usually the girl that gets super passionate, riled up and bothered in the group, so I have already been praying for a quiet, listening heart to learn and allow the Holy Spirit to do HIS work in our group. My greatest prayer is that it will be a time that people look forward to and sense that Jesus is lifted up. I don't like going to small group when it feels like people aren't centered around GOD, the WORD and Truth. But this is my own issue. I know that God is big and GOOD and look forward to the Work that will happen in my own heart! 

Looking Back, its hard to say goodbye to such a precious summer. I have spent every work day with these kids:

I can honestly say that as I drove to work every day, I prayed to be an "effective teacher who is gentle, patient and kind"...but this was really hard! Teenagers are....well.....not my forte! But I was SO grateful for work! I know they learned and they were my first class to give me flowers, a card and a Starbucks giftcard! WOW! sweeties! 

Fall Renos are all up in here! I can`t wait to get this little room all set up for our cutie! Thankful for a man who knows how to do stuff! I am proud of him! 

I`ve done this before during Christmas time, but saw this posted on FB the other day! Looking forward to get my ``Grateful`` on in this season of thankfulness that will be upon us before we even know it! 
Today`s: 3 Gifts of Summer
  • My blow up boat that I only got to use twice so far! I love relaxing in it at my fave beach Canoe Cove
  • Work, so glad I got to go to work every day and help contribute to our family this way
  • Cow`s Icecream...probably indulged in this too much, but LOVE Messy Bessy (chocolate icecream with SKOR and OREO and homemade caramel sauce)

1 comment:

  1. Awww, I always love reading your posts...and I am so happy to have spent more time with you even the last few days, it seems, than most of the of the things I love about Fall...spending time with people I love, who are HERE, as opposed to just spending time with friends from away in the summer...I love the routine, the fresh start, the baking and pumpkin everything! I am pumped that you will be having a baby in a few months and be on maternity leave and we can hang out during the day when everyone else is working! And I'm so happy for you guys leading a small group -- that's awesome -- so big! you'll be great, I know it. I miss being in small group with you though. so, this is another reminder of all that has're LEADING a small group, and I won't be part of it. ugh. but -- I'm excited that maybe we can start our own group sometime...who knows??? I love you. I'm proud of you -- and I love your house and all the work you guys have done -- can't wait to see that baby's nursery as it gets filled with baby stuff and decorations! ahhh! so exciting! I love ya, Sistie.
